CMS with Drupal


Note: ""Drupal uses Apache's mod_rewrite to enable customizable URLs that are both user and search engine friendly."


  1. Set up a web server, a mail server (to send passwords to new users), and PHP. Make sure PHP has the XML extensions (required if you wish to use RSS, fat client blogging, etc.). It is recommended that you use Apache as the web server, so as to enjoy clean URLs through mod_rewrite
  2. Edit PHP.INI
    magic_quotes_gpc         0
    session.save_handler     user
    session.cache_limiter    none
  3. Untar the package,and copy its contents into the web server's docs/ directory
  4. In MySQL, create a database: mysqladmin -u dba_user -p create drupal
  5. Log into MySQL as dba_user, and changes access rights:   GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON drupal.* TO nobody@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';  flush privileges; ACCESS DENIED?
  6. Exit MySQL
  7. Create the tables: mysql -u nobody -p drupal < database/database.mysql
  8. Edit includes/conf.php, and change $db_url and $base_url
  9. Aim your browser to Drupal, create an account, and log on. This first account has administrative rights
  10. Some tasks must be run periodically: Use cron to run "wget -O - -q http://HOSTNAME/cron.php". Under Windows, use AT.EXE to do this

Tips & Tricks

By default, anonymous users can't see any contents. Log on as admin, then go to administer | accounts | persmissions, and check "access content" for the "anonymous user" account.
