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Aside from implementing security controls, the Control Panel lets administrators deactivate options and remove features for networked E/pop users, while maintaining those features for themselves. Users who try to circumvent security by downloading a fresh copy of E/pop from the Internet will be disappointed: Since the global password will not match what's already installed, the software will abort.
Q: What is the e/pop control panel and how does it work?
A: The e/pop control panel is a unique configuration utility designed for the e/pop program. It can actually modify the EPOP.EXE to work exactly as you desire. This modified EPOP.EXE can then be distributed to users on your network. One or more EPOP.EXE variations can be distributed throughout your network, providing different levels of access for different users. For instance, normal users might not have the features to send remote run commands, whereas the help desk might have a different EPOP.EXE that has these capabilities.
It's about time we set up a private group instant messaging system. Unfortunately, open-source project Jabber does not easily support group chat (ie. chat with certain hosts only), and setting up clients is a pain as it requires subscribing to every single host to build one's "rogue" list. The following are Windows-based applications, ie. uses the Network Neighborhood to locate other hosts. Jabber's strong point is that it's server-based, and has clients for different platforms. More infos @ http://www.rocketdownload.com/details/feat/ChatMessengerChannel/chatmessg.htm e/Pop http://www.wiredred.com/ Limité 30 jours. Remote control. UI Outlook Vraiment pas mal! DONE 50 licences = $1,000 Collaboration at warp speed http://www2.infoworld.com/articles/eu/xml/00/05/29/000529eutca.xml?Template=/storypages/printarticle.html E/pop: A Good Chat Over the LAN http://www.pcworld.com/resource/printable/article/0,aid,11562,00.asp Son of WinPop: E/pop Delivers Directory-Enabled Collaboration http://www.networkcomputing.com/shared/printArticle?article=nc/1015/1015sp2.html&pub=nwc VyPress Messenger http://www.vypress.com/messenger.asp Commercial. Multicast OK, mais sélection destinataires très malcommode par CTRL. Interface bof. DONE Licences 1..49 $12.90 US 50..99 = $8.50 US par poste Sonork http://www.sonork.com/eng/default.htm Commercial. Nécessite un SGBD (Either one of these ODBC compliant SQL servers : MS-Access, MySQL, MS-SQL) DONE iCU 3.52 http://www.mhsoftware.demon.co.uk/icu/icu_main_details.htm Shareware. Unicast. DONE Flash Messaging System http://www.flashmessage.com/ Commercial. Interface bof. Plutôt destiné à call centers. DONE ChatZilla http://chatzilla.com/ Interface bof. IRC-type? DONE Gox Box http://www.cornerstonenetwork.com/cybercafe/screenshot.htm Gratuit ou $35. Unicast ou broadcast only. DONE 1StePost http://www.1stepost.com/index.htm Shareware. Pas trouvé de FTP dispo pour le downloader. DONE Bassline WinPopUP http://member.iworld.net/bassline/ 50-day evaluation. Requires Messenger service. GPF when starting. DONE LTC Instant Messenger http://www.loggytronic.com/ltc/index.html Commercial. Unicast/broadcast. DONE DBabble http://www.netwinsite.com/dbabble/index.htm Commercial. Apparemment similaire à IRC (pour conversation privées -> créer groupe). DONE Pink Notes Plus http://www.pinknotesplus.com/ Shareware. It really IS pink... Une machine joue le rôle de serveur. Multicast a l'air OK, mais interface trop compliquée (orientée messages téléphoniques) DONE PeopleLink http://download.cnet.com/downloads/0-10060-100-902237.html?tag=st.dl.10001-103-2.lst-7-4.902237 Nécessite accès serveur publique sur le Net? DONE Personal Network Communicator http://download.cnet.com/downloads/0-10060-100-889091.html?tag=st.dl.10001-103-1.lst-7-21.889091 VB-based. Requires reboot. Requires adding buddies manually. DONE PalTalk http://www.paltalk.com/paltalk/index.html Freeware. Plutôt orienté chat texte et son. Utilise serveur sur Internet. DONE WinPop Plus http://www.sharewarejunkies.com/8w3/winpop_plus.htm Limité à 60 jours. Unicast ou broadcast. Fait par la même boîte que e-Pop? DONE WinSend 2000 http://www.winsend2000.com/ Commercial. VB-based. Terrible interface. Requires adding contacts. DONE IceWare Instant Messenger http://download.cnet.com/downloads/0-10060-100-1841272.html?tag=st.dl.10001-103-4.lst-7-16.1841272 Requires registration. Requires a remote server. Very similar to Jabber (unicast or pain-in-the-ass multicast, as it requires adding contacts.) DONE Digital Pad http://www.rocketdownload.com/details/smal/digitalpad.htm Freeware. VB-based. Ugly interface. Must add contacts. DONE Hermes Messenger http://www.dgdr.com/hermes/ Free. Requires adding contacts. DON NoteNow http://www.notenow.com/ Commercial. Interface +/- OK. Server ne permet pas de faire tourner l'appli cliente? DONE PopMessage http://www.atconsulting.com/ Freeware. VB-based. Interface bof. DONE FindEm http://www.atconsulting.com/ Commercial. Interface bof. DONE CoolMessenger http://www.cyberxing.com/products_cm.html Commercial. Client et server. Nécessite de rajouter membres manuellement. DONE Privateline Demo Commercial. Encryption. Express Messaging 2.0 http://www.acdsystems.com/english/products/express/index.htm Web-4M http://www.jdhtech.com/index.html Network Assistant http://www.yaasoft.com/nassi/index.html