No-brainer forum with FruitShow
FruitShow is PHP-based, basic,
no-brainer forum software inspired by the one developped for Joel
on software. Its main feature... is the lack of registration so that anyone
can contribute without having to register. As of July 2007, it doesn't offer
any anti-SPAM or equivalent add-on.
- Create a database for FruitShow on your MySQL server
- Run the SQL commands in docs/Database.sql script in the newly created
FruitShow database
- In _site/, copy Config.default.php to Config.php
- Edit Config.php:
- Copy all the files from the FruitShow archive into a subdirectory of
your web root, eg. /var/www/forum/
- Aim at http://localhost/forum/login.php
as admin/admin, and change the password by clicking on the Profile link
in the upper left-hand corner
The configuration file is located in: /var/www/forum/_lib/Config.php. You
can also make changes in header.php.
- Still logged on as admin, when I click on Profile, nothing happens
- After logging on as admin and clicking on Edit, filling the and fields,
and clicking on OK, they're not updated in the page. When browing table
Sidebar, I see several empty rows.
- header.php = utf8 but Content/taglin saved in DB As ISO8859?