Quick Guide to Perl

You can download the latest Perl package from http://www.rpmfind.net, while the Windows version is called ActivePerl and is available from http://www.ActiveState.com/ActivePerl/. Note that you should install Perl 5 or 6 since some of the features described here do not exist in Perl 4.

Web development with Perl





Unix-specific system calls

	(gname, gpasswd, gid, gmembers) = getgrnam (name);

	while (($gname, $gpasswd, $gid, $gmembers) = getgrent) {         
		# Using group-related infos here
	setgrent();  # Rewind to first line of /etc/groups
	endgrent();  # Move to last line

	(gname, gpasswd, gid, gmembers) = getgrid (id);

	(name, altnames, addrtype, net) = getnetent(); #Get infos from /etc/networks
	(name, altnames, addrtype, addr) = getnetbyaddr (inaddr, inaddrtype);
	(name, altnames, addrtype, net) = getnetbyname (inname);

	(name, altnames, addrtype, len, addrs) = gethostbyaddr (inaddr, inaddrtype); #Get infos from /etc/hosts
	(name, altnames, addrtype, len, addrs) = gethostbyname (inname);
	(name, altnames, addrtype, len, addrs) = gethostent();

	logname = getlogin();
	$pgroup = getpgrp (0);
	parentid = getppid();

	(username, password, userid, groupid, quota, comment, infofield, homedir, shell) = getpwnam (name);
	(username, password, userid, groupid, quota, comment, infofield, homedir, shell) = getpwuid (inputuid);
	while (1) {
		last unless (($username, $password, $userid) = getpwent());

Manipulating strings

	$position = index($input, "the");
	$position = rindex($string, "the");

	$strlen = length($string);

	$string = "here is a string";
	$_ = "here is a string";
	$length = tr/a-zA-Z /a-zA-Z /;

	$position = pos($string);

	$sub1 = substr ($string, 10, 6);
	substr($string, 0, 4) = "This";

	$lower = lc("aBcDe");  # $lower is assigned "abcde" 
	$upper = uc("aBcDe");  # $upper is assigned "ABCDE"
	$lower = lcfirst("HELLO");  # $lower is assigned "hELLO" 
	$upper = ucfirst("hello");  # $upper is assigned "Hello"

	$outstr = sprintf("%d = %x hexadecimal or %o octal\n", $num, $num, $num);

	chop ($mystring);

	$retval = crypt ("sludge", $salt);

	@list = ("This", "is", "a", "test"); 
	@foundlist = grep(/^[tT]/, @list);

Converting values

	decnum = hex (hexnum);
	$intval = int (68.3 / $divisor) + 1;
	$num = oct ("177");

	$ASCIIval = ord("/");
	$slash = chr(47);


	eval ("\$start = tell(MYFILE);");
	system ("echo \"hello, world\"");

	exec ("vi", "file1");
Note: The exec function is similar to the system function, except that it terminates the current program before starting the new one. exec often is used in conjunction with fork: when fork splits into two processes, the child process starts another program using exec.
	pipe (INPUT, OUTPUT);
	$retval = fork();
	if ($retval != 0) {
		# this is the parent process
		close (INPUT);
		print ("Enter a line of input:\n");
		$line = <STDIN>
		print OUTPUT ($line); 
	} else {
		# this is the child process
		close (OUTPUT);
		$line = <INPUT>
		print ($line);
		exit (0);
Note: The pipe function is designed to be used in conjunction with the fork function. It provides a way for the child and parent processes to communicate. The process in which outfile is still open can now send data to the process in which infile is still open. (The child can send data to the parent, or vice versa, depending on which process closes input and which closes output.) If you need to establish two-way communication, you can open two pipes, one in each direction
	require ("syscall.ph");
	syscall (list);

	die ("Cannot open input file");
	warn ("Input file is empty");
	kill (signal, proclist);

	sleep (5);
	procid = wait(); #Waits for a child process to terminate
	waitpid (procid, waitflag);	

Killing a process

chomp($myname = `echo \$USER`); 
open(PS, "ps -aux | grep myps | grep -v grep |");
while(<PS>) {
    if (/myps/) {
        if ($1 eq $myname) {
            system("kill $2");


Setting up a server

	$line = "Hello, world!\n";
	$port = 2000; 
	while (getservbyport ($port, "tcp")) {	#Check for available port

	($d1, $d2, $prototype) = getprotobyname ("tcp"); 
	($d1, $d2, $d3, $d4, $rawserver) = gethostbyname ('hostname'); 
	$serveraddr = pack ("Sna4x8", 2, $port, $rawserver); 

	socket (SSOCKET, 2, 1, $prototype);
	bind (SSOCKET, $serveraddr);
	listen (SSOCKET, 1)

	($clientaddr = accept (SOCKET, SSOCKET));

	select (SOCKET); 
	$| = 1;

	print SOCKET ("$line\n");

	close (SOCKET);
	close (SSOCKET);

Setting up a client

	$port = 2000;
	while (getservbyport ($port, "tcp")) {
	($d1, $d2, $prototype) = getprotobyname ("tcp");
	($d1, $d2, $d3, $d4, $rawclient) = gethostbyname ("mercury");
	($d1, $d2, $d3, $d4, $rawserver) = gethostbyname ("silver");
	$clientaddr = pack ("Sna4x8", 2, 0, $rawclient);
	$serveraddr = pack ("Sna4x8", 2, $port, $rawserver);
	socket (SOCKET, 2, 1, $prototype) || die ("No socket");
	bind (SOCKET, $clientaddr) || die ("Can't bind");
	connect (SOCKET, $serveraddr);
	$line = <SOCKET>;
	print ("$line\n");
	close (SOCKET);

Changing direction of data

	shutdown (socket, direction);
Note: 0 indicates that the program can send through the socket but can no longer receive data. 1 indicates that the program can receive data from the socket but can no longer send. 2 indicates that both sending and receiving are disallowed.

Control structures


if ($number1 == $number2) { 
	print ("The two numbers are equal.\n"); 
elsif ($number1 == $number2 + 1) { 
	print ("The first number is greater by one.\n"); 
else { 	
	print ("The two numbers are not equal.\n"); 


while ($number == 5) {         
	print ("The number is still 5!\n"); 

do {
	$line = <STDIN> 
} while ($line ne "");

until ($input_answer == $correct_answer) { 
	print ("Wrong! Keep trying!\n"); 
	$input_answer = <STDIN>;
	chop ($input_answer); 

while (1) {
	$line = <STDIN>;
	if ($line eq "") {

for ($count = 1; $count <= $limit; $count++) {
	if ($count % 2 == 1) {

DONE: while ($firstcounter < 10) {
	if ($firstcounter == 4) {
		last DONE;

NEXTLINE: $line = <STDIN> ;
if ($line ne "") {
	print ($line);


for ($line = <STDIN>, $count = 1; $count <= 3; $line = <STDIN>, $count++) {
	print ($line);


foreach $word (@words) {         
	if ($word eq "the") {                 
		print ("found the word 'the'\n");         

foreach $temp ("This", "is", "a", "list") {         
	print("$temp "); 


Pre-defined subroutines BEGIN, END, AUTOLOAD

Perl 5 defines three special subroutines that are executed at specific times. The BEGIN subroutine, which is called when your program starts running. The END subroutine, which is called when your program terminates. The AUTOLOAD subroutine, which is called when your program can't find a subroutine it is supposed to execute: AUTOLOAD { print("subroutine $AUTOLOAD not found\n"); print("arguments passed: @_\n"); }

sub getnumbers {
	$line = <STDIN> ;
	$line =~ s/^\s+|\s*\n$//g;
	@numbers = split(/\s+/, $line);
Note: In Perl 5, you do not need to supply an & character when calling a subroutine if you have already defined the subroutine.

Returning a value

The value of the last expression evaluated by the subroutine is automatically considered to be the subroutine's return value. Another way to ensure that the return value from a subroutine is the value you want is to use the return statement. The syntax for the return statement is return (retval);

Local variables

In Perl 5, there are two statements used to define local variables: The my statement, which defines variables that exist only inside a subroutine. The local statement, which defines variables that do not exist inside the main program, but inside the subroutine and any subroutines called by the subroutine. In Perl 4, the my statement is not defined, so you must use local to define a variable that is not known to the main program:
sub get_total {
	my ($total, $inputline, @subwords);
	my ($index, $retval);

Passing parameters

By value

&printnum ($number1, $number2, $number3);
sub printnum {
    my($number1, $number2, $number3) = @_;
    print ("The numbers you entered: ");
    print ("$number1 $number2 $number3\n");
    $total = $number1 + $number2 + $number3;
    print ("The total: $total\n");
sub printnum2 {
    $total = $_[0] + $_[1] + $_[2];
    print ("The total: $total\n");

By reference

sub my_sub
    my (*subarray) = @_;
    $arraylength = @subarray;

Building packages


package mypack;
sub Test1
        print "hello";  
return 1;


use mypack;


Comparison operators

String operator Numeric operator
lt <
gt >
eq ==
le <=
ge >=
ne !=
cmp <=>

Boolean operators


	if ($a || $b)
	if ($a or $b)


	if ($a && $b)
	if ($a and $b)


	if (! $a)
	if (not $a)


	if ($a xor $b)

Ternary operator

	$result = $var == 0 ? 14 : 7;

String operators


	$newstring = "potato" . "head"

Pattern repetition

	copystring = "t";
	$repeats = 5; 
	$newstring = $copystring x $repeats;

Simplified assignment operators

$a = 1; none (basic assignment)
$a -= 1; $a = $a - 1;
$a *= 2; $a = $a * 2;
$a /= 2; $a = $a / 2;
$a %= 2; $a = $a % 2;
$a **= 2; $a = $a ** 2;
$a &= 2; $a = $a & 2;
$a |= 2; $a = $a | 2;
$a ^= 2; $a = $a ^ 2;
$a++; $a = $a + 1;
++$a; $a = $a + 1;
$a--; $a = $a - 1;
--$a; $a = $a - 1;

Plain arrays and associative arrays

Plain arrays

Filling an array manually

	@array = (1, 2, 3);

	@array = <STDIN> ;
	Here is my first line of data. 
	Here is another line. 
	Here is the last line. 

Filling an array automatically

	@day_of_month = ("01".."31");

Extracting a value

	$scalar = $array[0];

Defining/undefining values

	if (defined ($array[$i])) {
		print ("element ", $i+1, " is defined\n");

	undef ($myvar);

Copying a whole array

	@result = @original;

Copying a partial array

	@subarray = @array[0,1];
	@array[0,1] = ("string", 46);
	@array[1,2] = @array[2,1];

Displaying contents

	print (@subarray, "\n"); 

	print ("@array\n");
	bar baz dip foo

Command-line parameters

You can access individual elements of @ARGV, eg. $var = $ARGV[0];

To determine the number of command-line arguments, assign the array variable to a scalar variable, eg. $numargs = @ARGV;

Sorting et al.

	@array2 = sort (@array);
	@array2 = reverse(@array);
	$string = join(" ", "this", "is", "a", "string");
	$string = "words::separated::by::colons";
	@array = split(/::/, $string);

Modifying elements

	@array = ("1", "2", "3", "4"); 
	splice (@array, 1, 2, ("two", "three")); 
	=> Now, @array is ("1", "two", "three", "4")

	unshift (@array, "newitem");
	push (@array, "newitem");
	$popped = pop (@array);

	@deleted = splice (@array, 8, 2);

	@mylist = ("1", "2", "3"); 
	$firstval = shift(@mylist); 
	=> @mylist is now ("2", "3")

Associative arrays, a.k.a. hash arrays

	$fruit{"bananas"} = 1;
	%fruit = ("apples", 17, "bananas", 9, "oranges", "none");
	%fruit = ("apples" => 17, "bananas" => 9, "oranges" => "none");

	@fruit = ("apples", 6, "cherries", 8, "oranges", 11); 
	%fruit = @fruit;


	@fruitsubs = keys(%fruits);
	@fruitvalues = values(%fruits);

Extracting values

	foreach $capword (sort keys(%wordlist)) {
		print ("$capword: $wordlist{$capword}\n");

	%records = ("Maris", 61, "Aaron", 755, "Young", 511); 
	while (($holder, $record) = each(%records)) {         
		# stuff goes here 

Modifying elements



Interactive input

	$inputline = <STDIN> ;
	print ($inputline, $inputline);

Opening files

Read-only mode (default)

	open(FILE1, "/u/jqpublic/file1");

Write mode

	open (OUTFILE, ">/u/jqpublic/outfile");

Append mode

	open (APPENDFILE, ">>/u/jqpublic/appendfile");

Read/write mode

	open (READWRITE, "+<file1");
	open (READWRITE, "+>file1");

Subroutine to open a file

sub OpenFile
        my($handle,$file) = @_;
        open($handle, $file) || die ("Err: Cannot open file $file\n");

Reading from files

	if (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
		$line = <MYFILE> ;
		while ($line ne "") { 
			print ($line); 
			$line = <MYFILE> ;

	if (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
		@array = <MYFILE> ;
	} else {
		die ("cannot open input file file1\n"); 

Reading some bytes into a buffer

	read (MYFILE, $mybuffer, 80); 
	read (MYFILE, $mybuffer, 40, 80); #Skip the first 80 bytes already stored in $mybuffer, and read 40 bytes from MYFILE
	singlechar = getc(INFILE);

Checking for end-of-file status

	while ($line = <>) {
		print ($line);
		if (eof) {		
			print ("-- end of current file --\n");
Note: When using eof, this affects each file that is passed as argument. When using eof(), this works only once all files are read! This distinction is only meaningful when you are using the <> operator. If you are just reading from a single file, it doesn't matter whether you supply parentheses or not:
	while ($line = <STDIN>) {
		if (eof) {    # you can also use eof() here


Moving forward and backward

	$currentposition = tell(TEMPFILE);

	seek (TEMPFILE, 10, 0); #Jump to byte 10 from beginning of file
	seek(MYFILE, -80, 1); #Jump back 80 bytes from current position
Note: In the seek function, the second variable indicates the number of bytes to skip. The third variable is 0 (starting from the beginning of the file), 1 (starting with the current position), or 2 (starting from the end of the file.)

Writing to files

	open(OUTFILE, ">outfile");
	print OUTFILE ($line);


	print ("Here is a line of output.\n"); 
	print STDOUT ("Here is a line of output.\n");

	print STDERR ("File file1 opened successfully.\n");

	open (STDOUT, ">file1");
	open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); #redirect STDERR to STDOUT
	print STDOUT ("line 1\n");
	print STDERR ("line 2\n"); #Note: STDERR buffer is flushed _before_ STDOUT!
	close (STDOUT);
	close (STDERR);
Note: To disable buffering, use $| = 1 (STDOUT by default) and select(STDERR) ; $| = 1 (for file handles other than STDOUT).

Reading a configuration file

sub ReadINI
        my($file) = @_;
        while (<MYINI>) {
                if (! /^ *#/) {
                        /^ *(.+) *= *(.+)/;
        close MYINI;
        foreach(sort keys %ini) {
                if ($ini{$_} eq "") {
                        print "Err: Parameter $_ in file $file is empty.\n";
                        return FALSE;
        if (scalar(keys(%ini)) ne 2) {
                print "Err: Expected 2 items in $file, but found scalar(keys(%ini))\n";
                return FALSE;
        $input = $ini{"input_file"};
        $output = $ini{"output_file"};
        return TRUE;

Using pipes

	open (CAT, "cat file*|");
	$input = <CAT> ;

File operators

The following operators can be used to test various conditions regarding files, eg. does a file exist, is it in read-only mode, etc. For instance, the following snipet checks whether "/u/jqpublic/file1" exists, without having to use an open statement:
	if (-e "/u/jqpublic/file1") {         
		print ("The file exists.\n"); 
Is name a block device?
Is name a character device?
Is name a directory?
Does name exist?
Is name an ordinary file?
Does name have its setgid bit set?
Does name have its "sticky bit" set?
Is name a symbolic link?
Is name owned by the user?
Is name a named pipe?
Is name a readable file?
Is name a non-empty file?
Does name represent a terminal?
Does name have its setuid bit set?
Is name a writable file?
Is name an executable file?
Is name an empty file?
How long since name accessed?
Is name a binary file?
How long since name's inode accessed?
How long since name modified?
Is name owned by the "real user" only?*
Is name readable by the "real user" only?*
Is name a socket?
Is name a text file?
Is name writable by the "real user" only?*
Is name executable by the "real user" only?*
* In this case, the "real user" is the userid specified at login, as opposed to the effective user ID, which is the userid under which you currently are working. (On some systems, a command such as /user/local/etc/suid enables you to change your effective user ID.)

Other file operations

Renaming files

	rename ("/u/jqpublic/name1", "/u/janedoe/name2");

Managing links

	symlink("/u/jqpublic/file", "/u/janedoe/newfile");

	link ("/u/jqpublic/file", "/u/janedoe/newfile");
	unlink ("/u/jqpublic/file"); #If more links exist, they are not removed

	$linkname = readlink("/u/janedoe/newfile");

Changing file access

	chmod (permissions, filelist);
	chown (userid, groupid, filelist);
	$oldperms = umask(0022);


	open (MESSAGE, "| mail dave"); 
	print MESSAGE ("Hi, Dave!  Your Perl program sent this!\n"); 
	close (MESSAGE); 

Getting the size of a file

	$size = -s "outfile"

Checking for end-of-file

	if (eof) {
		#Do sthing

Working with directories

	mkdir ("/u/jqpublic/newdir", 0777);
	chdir ("/u/jqpublic/newdir");
	rmdir (dirname);

	opendir(HOMEDIR, "/u/jqpublic");
	while ($filename = readdir(HOMEDIR)) {
		print ("$filename\n");

	opendir(HOMEDIR, "/u/jqpublic");
	@files = readdir(HOMEDIR);
	foreach $file (sort @files) {
		print ("$file\n");

	$location = telldir (mydir);
	seekdir(mydir, location);
	rewinddir (mydir);

Pattern matching

From So What's A $#!%% Regular Expression, Anyway?!
Escape sequence
Any digit [0-9]
Anything other than a digit [^0-9]
Any word character [_0-9a-zA-Z]
Anything not a word character [^_0-9a-zA-Z]
White space [ \r\t\n\f]
Anything other than white space [^ \r\t\n\f]
Match all possible patterns
Ignore case
Treat string as multiple lines
Only evaluate once
Treat string as single line
Ignore white space in pattern

Check for a pattern

	if ($var =~ /abc/) {
		#Pattern found

Checking for the occurence of a character


The ? character matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding character. For example, the pattern /de?f/


Zero or more The . character is often used in conjunction with the * character. For example, the following pattern matches any string that contains the character d preceding the character f: /d.*f/


One or more

Specific number of occurences

For example, the pattern /de{1,3}f/ matches d, followed by one, two, or three occurrences of e, followed by f. This means that def,deef, and deeef match, but df and deeeef do not.

Checking for alpha-numeric patterns


Beginning/end of a line


Word boundaries

/\bdef\b/ The \B pattern anchor is the opposite of \b. \B matches only if the pattern is contained in a word. For example, the pattern /\Bdef/ matches abcdef, but not def. Similarly, the pattern /def\B/ matches defghi, and /\Bdef\B/ matches cdefg or abcdefghi, but not def, defghi, or abcdef

Excluding a pattern

When the ^ character appears as the first character after the [, it indicates that the pattern is to match any character except the ones displayed between the [ and ]. /d[^eE]f/

Alternative patterns

The special character | enables you to specify two or more alternatives to choose from when matching a pattern. For example, the pattern /def|ghi/ matches either def or ghi.

Refer to a previous pattern

/\d{2}([\W])\d{2}\1\d{2}/ This matches two digits, a non-word character, two more digits, the same non-word character, and two more digits. Note that pattern-sequence memory is preserved only for the length of the pattern. To get around this problem, Perl defines special built-in variables that remember the value of patterns matched in parentheses. These special variables are named $n, where n is the nth set of parentheses in the pattern. For example, consider the following: $string = "This string contains the number 25.11." $string =~ /-?(\d+)\.?(\d+)/; $integerpart = $1; $decimalpart = $2; There is also one other built-in scalar variable, $&, which contains the entire matched pattern, as follows: $string = "This string contains the number 25.11." $string =~ /-?(\d+)\.?(\d+)/; $number = $& Here, the pattern matched is 25.11, which is stored in $& and then assigned to $number.

Changing the default / pattern delimiter

To make it easier to write patterns that include / characters, Perl enables you to use any pattern-delimiter character you like. The following pattern also matches the directory /u/jqpublic/perl/prog1: m!/u/jqpublic/perl/prog1! Here, the m indicates the pattern-matching operation. If you are using a pattern delimiter other than /, you must include the m.

Finding where a pattern occurs

If you need to know how much of a string has been searched by the pattern matcher when the g operator is specified, use the pos function. $offset = pos($string); This returns the position at which the next pattern match will be started.

You can reposition the pattern matcher by putting pos() on the left side of an assignment. pos($string) = $newoffset; This tells the Perl interpreter to start the next pattern match at the position specified by $newoffset.

Ignoring end-of-line characters

The m option tells the Perl interpreter that the string to be matched contains multiple lines of text. When the m option is specified, the ^ special character matches either the start of the string or the start of any new line. For example, the pattern /^The/m matches the word The in This pattern matches\nThe first word on the second line

Restrict search to the first occurence

The o option enables you to tell the Perl interpreter that a pattern is to be evaluated only once. For example, consider the following:
	$var = 1; 
	$line = <STDIN>; 
	while ($var < 10) {         
		$result = $line =~ /$var/o;         
		$line = <STDIN>;         
The s option specifies that the string to be matched is to be treated as a single line of text. In this case, the . special character matches every character in a string, including the newline character. For example, the pattern /a.*bc/s is matched successfully in the following string: axxxxx \nxxxxbc If the s option is not specified, this pattern does not match, because the . character does not match the newline. Perl 5 makes life a little easier by supplying the x option. This tells the Perl interpreter to ignore white space in a pattern unless it is preceded by a backslash. This means that the preceding pattern can be rewritten as the following, which is much easier to follow: /\d{2} ([\W]) \d{2} \1 \d{2}/x Here is an example of a pattern containing an actual blank space: /[A-Z] [a-z]+ \ [A-Z] [a-z]+ /x This matches a name in the standard first-name/last-name format (such as John Smith). Normally, you won't want to use the x option if you're actually trying to match white space, because you wind up with the backslash problem all over again. $string = "abc123def"; $string =~ s/123/456/; The g option changes all occurrences of a pattern in a particular string. For example, the following substitution puts parentheses around any number in the string: s/(\d+)/($1)/g The e option treats the replacement string as an expression, which it evaluates before replacing. For example, consider the following: $string = "0abc1"; $string =~ s/[a-zA-Z]+/$& x 2/e; The substitution shown here is a quick way to duplicate part of a string. Here's how it works: The pattern /[a-zA-Z]+/ matches abc, which is stored in the built-in variable $&. The e option indicates that the replacement string, $& x 2, is to be treated as an expression. This expression is evaluated, producing the result abcabc. abcabc is substituted for abc in the string stored in $string. This means that the new value of $string is 0abcabc1.

Converting patterns

$string = "abcdefghicba"; $string =~ tr/abc/def/;
Translate all characters not specified
Delete all specified characters
Replace multiple identical output characters with a single character
The c option (c is for "complement") translates all characters that are not specified. For example, the statement $string =~ tr/\d/ /c; replaces everything that is not a digit with a space. The d option deletes every specified character. $string =~ tr/\t //d; This deletes all the tabs and spaces from $string. The s option (for "squeeze") checks the output from the translation. If two or more consecutive characters translate to the same output character, only one output character is actually used. For example, the following replaces everything that is not a digit and outputs only one space between digits: $string =~ tr/0-9/ /cs;

Formatting output


	printf("The number I want to print is %d.\n", $number);
Single character
Integer in decimal (base-10) format
Floating-point number in scientific notation
Floating-point number in "normal" (fixed-point) notation
Floating-point number in compact format
Integer in octal (base-8) format
Character string
Unsigned integer
Integer in hexadecimal (base-16) format


sub DisplayHeader
# Two items expected as input
$~ = "MYHEADER";
format MYHEADER =
Important: Just like HERE documents (<<), the part between "format" and "." must be on the first column
	$^ = "TOP_OF_PAGE" 
	$= = 60; 
	$~ = "MYFORMAT" 

	format TOP_OF_PAGE = 
	Page @<<. 

	format MYFORMAT = 
	The winning number is @<<<<<<! 
FieldValue-field format
@<<<Left-justified output
@>>>Right-justified output
@|||Centered output
@##.##Fixed-precision numeric
@*Multiline text
The output can be sent to a file through either write (MYFILE) or the select (MYFILE) command. Note that the latter also affects the print command:
	write (MYFILE);

	$~ = "MYFORMAT" 

	$oldfile = select(NEWFILE);	
	$~ = "MYFORMAT" 


System variables

