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Making sense of permissions
Try to inject new topic + post in existing forum (migrating from blog)
phpbb email check log
This is a quick article on installing the well-known open-source forum phpBB. It'll show how to install it on Linux, but it can also be installed on Windows and Mac. At the time of writing, the latest release if phpBB 3.3.8, and it requires PHP 7/8.
Two good sources of education before diving in are the User's Guide and the Knowledge Base.
Note: The whole site is a "board", while a forum is one of the its sections.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install vim
To make the numeric keypard usable, configure either vim or Putty
Copier clé publique sur serveur (CintaNotes: SSH: Using public/private key authentication)
Configurer SSH pour se connecter comme root directement
alias ll='ls -alF --color'
Not remembered even after adding to /etc/bash
OK after also adding /root/
phpBB supports several SQL servers. For a low-traffic site, even SQLite will do. Let's use MariaDB.
apt install mariadb-server
systemctl status mariadb
systemctl start mariadb
mysqladmin version
GRANT ALL ON phpBB.* to 'phpBB'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED
BY 'test';
To export a DB:
mysqldump -u root -p mydb > mydb.sql
zip mydb.zip mydb.sql
Any web server with PHP 7/8 and a few extensions will do. You must install PHP-FPM. Let's use nginx:
apt-get install nginx
service nginx status
A common mistake is to install the PHP, not PHP-FPM package. The problem with this approach is that unlike PHP-FPM, the PHP package installs the Apache HTTP server and its httpd process, which conflicts with Nginx.
apt-get install php-fpm php-mbstring php-json php-xml php-gd php-mysql php-sqlite3
php -v
service php7.4-fpm status
Check PHP version : /var/www/html/info.php: <?php phpinfo.php(); ?>
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/
vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default More infos
nginx -t
service nginx restart
service php7.4-fpm restart
Installing phpBB requires editing nginx's configuration file:
nginx -t
service nginx restart
service php7.4-fpm restart
phpBB is not available as a Debian package, and must be installed from a tarball.
cd /tmp
wget phpBB.zip
unzip phpBB.zip
RENAME ? mv phpBB3 /var/www/html/phpbb
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/
Once installed, remove ./install to access the ACP
phpBB can also be used as poor man's portal by having a PHP script read and dispay posts published in a given section of the forum.
Windows app to read CSS and display as tree? First, clean with Tidy, then open in XMLView.
Besides the web-based PhpMyAdmin application, there's SQLBackupAndFTP on Windows (the basic version is free).
If you have SSH access, here's how to export and import a database with MySQL/MariaDB:
The phpBB generated logs (concerning user, admin, and moderator activity on your board) are stored in the database and accessible through the ACP.
DONE Pas d'interface WYSIWYG, insertion archaïque d'URL https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/simplewysiwyg
DONE Pas de solution simple pour obtenir lien cliquable vers un post donné ? Désactivé par admin, ou version trop ancienne ?
Pas envoyé directement vers le message le plus récent dans un fil via url#numero (obligé de scroller et chercher manuellement) ?
When hyperlinking, doesn't jump to the "url" section, where the user simply has to paste the URL; Clicking at the right location, typing "=" and pasting the URL isn't very user-friendly.
No option to mark a topic as Solved
How to find why I'm not receiving the email?
… instead of looking for it manually?
Goto first unread post in topic
SELECT * FROM phpbb_topics;
DESCRIBE phpbb_topics;
SELECT * FROM phpbb_posts;
DESCRIBE phpbb_posts;
Since phpBB3, a forum can be of three types: Category, Forum, Link
A Category contains forums and/or links. No topics. It can have active/recent posts from multiple forums in it if enabled.
A Link looks like a forum but is actually just… a link. It can have a counter, "Total redirects: 123456"
A forum can also have two sections: Announcements (sticky?) and Topics
Subforums were introduced in phpBB 3.3: "Especially bulletin boards with a high number of forums will benefit from this. In the simple flat category and forum approach in phpBB 2.0, all forums and categories were listed on the forum index. In Proteus you can now put as many forums, links, or categories as you like inside other forums."
"This part can be a little confusing but to start off it’s important when creating a forum to copy the forum permissions from the default forum. You can change these permissions later if needed. If you don’t do this, no one can access the forum until you explicitly add them later on. This can be very confusing if you are not familiar with phpBB." (Source)