Quick Guide to RPM
Installing a new package
Checking files installed by a package
Checking files offered by a new package
Checking which package provides a file
Building RPMs from source files
rpm --rebuild Zope-2.4.1-1.src.rpm
The compiled RPM is located under /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/
Quick Steps
- Log on as a regular user. Do NOT build RPMs when logged as root, as you could erase/replace important system files by mistake. Always work as a regular user, and create the RPM directory structure in your home directory
- In your home directory, build the RPM directory tree through
mkdir -p ~/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS/$ARCH,RPMS/noarch,SOURCES,SRPMS,SPECS,tmp}
, where $ARCH is the architecture for which you want to create RPMs (ie. i386, sparc, alpha, ppc)
- ~/.rpmmacros
%_target linux
%_topdir /home/jdoe/rpm
%_tmppath /home/jdoe/rpm/tmp
- Create a dummy tar ball through
cd ~/rpm/SOURCES ; mkdir tmp ; touch tmp/jdoe ; tar czvf mytar-1-0.tar.gz tmp/jdoe ; rm -Rf ~/rpm/SOURCES/tmp
- Build mytar-1-0.specs in ~/rpm/SPECS following the sample below
- Cd to ~/rpm/SPECS, and build the package through rpm -ba mytar-1-0.spec. Provided things went smoothly, the binary RPM is in ~/rpm/RPMS and the source RPM is located in ~/rpm/SRPMS
- To install the package, you must su to root, at least to allow RPM to update its applications database which lives in /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm
SPECS file sample
You'll want to name your spec file according to a standard convention. It should be package name-dash-version number-dash-release number-dot-spec (eg. mytar-1-0.tar.gz)
Summary: Fred's very first RPM package!
Name: mytar
Version: 1
Release: 0
Copyright: public domain
Group: Dummy Package Group/MyGroup
Source: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
#Requires: python >= 1.5.1
BuildArchitectures: noarch
My very fine description
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tmp
zcat $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/mytar-1-0.tar.gz | (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ; tar -xvSpf-)
if [ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}X" != "X" ]; then
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
* Tue Feb 29 2000 John Doe
- My very first RPM package!
How does RPM work?
RedHat creates an RPM directory tree under /usr/src/redhat. If you install any .src.rpm package, its spec file is installed in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS:
- BUILD is used as a work area to build sources
- RPMS contains the binary RPM once you are through building the whole thing, with sub-directories matchcing the different platforms (eg. RPMS/i386, RPMS/noarch, etc.)
- SOURCES contains the source tarball you want to use as source
- SPECS is where to save the configuration files used to build the RPM packages
- SRPMS contains the source RPM once you are through building the whole thing
General settings are set in /usr/lib/rpm/macros
Basic Command Reference
- -b = Build New Package
- -q = Query information from installed or uninstalled packages
- -U = Install/upgrade packages to the system
- -F = Freshen packages existing on the system
- -e = Uninstall packages from the system
- -V = Verify the validity of packages on the system, or an uninstalled package
Action |
RPM Command |
Installing/updating |
rpm -Uvh package.rpm |
Erasing |
rpm -e package |
Querying RPM for all installed packages |
rpm -qa | less |
Querying for information on a non-installed package |
rpm -qip package |
Querying for a list of files contained in a non-installed package |
rpm -qlp package |
Querying RPM to find out which package installed a given file |
rpm -qf /usr/bin/unknownfile |
Querying RPM to check whether any file is missing or has been modified from all installed packages |
rpm -Va |
Querying RPM whether any file in an installed package is missing or has been modified |
rpm -Vv package |
Checking the integrity of a non-installed package |
rpm -K --nopgp package.rpm |
Building a binary RPM from a source RPM |
rpm --rebuild package.src.rpm, followed by rpm -Uvh package.rpm |
Compressing and rebuilding RPM's database |
rpm --rebuilddb |
- A Quick Reference Guide to RPM http://loke.as.arizona.edu/~ckulesa/unsupported/rpm.html
- Maximum RPM from http://rpmdp.org/rpmbook/.
- The files being installed by your package "should" follow the FHS recommendations at http://www.pathname.com/fhs
Temp stuff
The basic procedure to build an RPM is as follows:
Make sure your /etc/rpmrc is setup for your system.
Get the source code you are building the RPM for to build on your system.
Make a patch of any changes you had to make to the sources to get them to build properly.
Make a spec file for the package.
Make sure everything is in its proper place.
Build the package using RPM.
the only configuration of RPM is available via the /etc/rpmrc file
require_vendor: 1
distribution: I roll my own!
require_distribution: 1
topdir: /usr/src/me
vendor: Mickiesoft
packager: Mickeysoft Packaging Account
optflags: i386 -O2 -m486 -fno-strength-reduce
optflags: alpha -O2
optflags: sparc -O2
signature: pgp
pgp_name: Mickeysoft Packaging Account
pgp_path: /home/packages/.pgp
tmppath: /usr/tmp
The require_vendor line causes RPM to require that it find a vendor line. This can come from the /etc/rpmrc or from the header of the spec file itself. To turn this off, change the number to 0. The same holds true for the require_distribution and require_group lines.
The next line is the distribution line. You can define that here or later in the header of the spec file. When building for a particular distribution, it's a good idea to make sure this line is correct, even though it is not required. The vendor line works much the same way, but can be anything (ie. Joe's Software and Rock Music Emporium).
You can use: rpm --showrc to find out how your tags are set and what all the available flags are.
You'll want to name your spec file according to a standard convention. It should be the package name-dash-version number-dash-release number-dot-spec. Here is a small spec file (vim-3.0-1.spec):
Summary: This is a one line description of the package.
Name: This must be the name string from the rpm filename you plan to use.
Version: This must be the version string from the rpm filename you plan to use.
Release: This is the release number for a package of the same version (ie. if we make a package and find it to be slightly broken and need to make it again, the next package would be release number 2).
Icon: This is the name of the icon file for use by other high level installation tools (like Red Hat's ``glint''). It must be a gif and resides in the SOURCES directory.
Copyright: This line tells how a package is copyrighted. You should use something like GPL, BSD, MIT, public domain, distributable, or commercial.
Group: This line is used to tell high level installation programs (such as Red Hat's ``glint'') where to place this particular program in its hierarchical structure.
BuildRoot: This line allows you to specify a directory as the ``root'' for building and installing the new package. You can use this to help test your package before having it installed on your machine.
Source: sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/eject-1.4.tar.gz
This line points at the HOME location of the pristine source file. It is used if you ever want to get the source again or check for newer versions. Caveat: The filename in this line MUST match the filename you have on your own system (ie. don't download the source file and change its name). You can also specify more than one source file using lines like:
Source0: blah-0.tar.gz
Source1: blah-1.tar.gz
Source2: fooblah.tar.gz
These files would go in the SOURCES directory. (The directory structure is discussed in a later section, "The Source Directory Tree".)
Patch: eject-1.4-make.patch
Patch1: eject-1.4-jaz.patch
This is the place you can find the patch if you need to download it again. Caveat: The filename here must match the one you use when you make YOUR patch. You may also want to note that you can have multiple patch files much as you can have multiple sources. ] You would have something like:
Patch0: blah-0.patch
Patch1: blah-1.patch
Patch2: fooblah.patch
These files would go in the SOURCES directory.
It's not really a header item, but should be described with the rest of the header. You need one description tag per package and/or subpackage. This is a multi-line field that should be used to give a comprehensive description of the package.
This is the second section in the spec file. It is used to get the sources ready to build. Here you need to do anything necessary to get the sources patched and setup like they need to be setup to do a make.
Each of these sections is really just a place to execute shell scripts. You could simply make an sh script and put it after the %prep tag to unpack and patch your sources. We have made macros to aid in this, however.
The first of these macros is the %setup macro. In its simplest form (no command line options), it simply unpacks the sources and cd's into the source directory. It also takes the following options:
-n name will set the name of the build directory to the listed name. The default is $NAME-$VERSION. Other possibilities include $NAME, ${NAME}${VERSION}, or whatever the main tar file uses. (Please note that these ``$'' variables are not real variables available within the spec file. They are really just used here in place of a sample name. You need to use the real name and version in your package, not a variable.)
-c will create and cd to the named directory before doing the untar.
-b # will untar Source# before cd'ing into the directory (and this makes no sense with -c so don't do it). This is only useful with multiple source files.
-a # will untar Source# after cd'ing into the directory.
-T This option overrides the default action of untarring the Source and requires a -b 0 or -a 0 to get the main source file untarred. You need this when there are secondary sources.
-D Do not delete the directory before unpacking. This is only useful where you have more than one setup macro. It should only be used in setup macros after the first one (but never in the first one).
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
The next of the available macros is the %patch macro. This macro helps automate the process of applying patches to the sources. It takes several options, listed below:
# will apply Patch# as the patch file.
-p # specifies the number of directories to strip for the patch(1) command.
-P The default action is to apply Patch (or Patch0). This flag inhibits the default action and will require a 0 to get the main source file untarred. This option is useful in a second (or later) %patch macro that required a different number than the first macro.
You can also do %patch# instead of doing the real command: %patch # -P
There aren't really any macros for this section. You should just put any commands here that you would need to use to build the software once you had untarred the source, patched it, and cd'ed into the directory. This is just another set of commands passed to sh, so any legal sh commands can go here (including comments). Your current working directory is reset in each of these sections to the toplevel of the source directory, so keep that in mind. You can cd into subdirectories if necessary.
install -s -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 eject /usr/bin/eject
install -m 644 -o 0 -g 0 eject.1 /usr/man/man1
There aren't really any macros here, either. You basically just want to put whatever commands here that are necessary to install. If you have make install available to you in the package you are building, put that here. If not, you can either patch the makefile for a make install and just do a make install here, or you can hand install them here with sh commands. You can consider your current directory to be the toplevel of the source directory.
6.7 Optional pre and post Install/Uninstall Scripts
You can put scripts in that get run before and after the installation and uninstallation of binary packages. A main reason for this is to do things like run ldconfig after installing or removing packages that contain shared libraries. The macros for each of the scripts is as follows:
%pre is the macro to do pre-install scripts.
%post is the macro to do post-install scripts.
%preun is the macro to do pre-uninstall scripts.
%postun is the macro to do post-uninstall scripts.
The contents of these sections should just be any sh style script, though you do not need the #!/bin/sh.
6.8 Files This is the section where you must list the files for the binary package.
There are some macros available to do some special things as well. They are listed and described here:
%doc is used to mark documentation in the source package that you want installed in a binary install. The documents will be installed in /usr/doc/$NAME-$VERSION-$RELEASE. You can list multiple documents on the command line with this macro, or you can list them all separately using a macro for each of them.
%config is used to mark configuration files in a package. This includes files like sendmail.cf, passwd, etc. If you later uninstall a package containing config files, any unchanged files will be removed and any changed files will get moved to their old name with a .rpmsave appended to the filename. You can list multiple files with this macro as well.
%dir marks a single directory in a file list to be included as being owned by a package. By default, if you list a directory name WITHOUT a
%dir macro, EVERYTHING in that directory is included in the file list and later installed as part of that package.
%files -f will allow you to list your files in some arbitrary file within the build directory of the sources. This is nice in cases where you have a package that can build it's own filelist. You then just include that filelist here and you don't have to specifically list the files.
The biggest caveat in the file list is listing directories. If you list /usr/bin by accident, your binary package will contain every file in /usr/bin on your system.
8.1. Menu system
As of the 7.1 version of Linux-Mandrake, we now use the Menu System written by Debian.
This excellent software provides a Window-Manager independant way to register an application to the system. Most of the time, this registration will become effective in the Start button or alike of your favourite Window Manager.
It works like this: each package includes a file in directory /usr/lib/menu/. Most of the time the filename will be the name of the package. In this file, it will have one line per menu-entry, like this:
?package(xbase):command="/usr/bin/X11/xedit" icon="xbase.xpm" \
needs="X11" section="Applications/Editors" title="Xedit" \
longtitle="The basic editor for the X Window system"
It is suggested that you put the menu file within the spec, instead of creating a separate source for it. To do that you can :
cat << EOF > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_menudir}/myprogram