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The SheevaPlug (I used the 003-SP1001) is a tiny "walwart" Linux appliance based on the Kirkwood SoC with an ARM embedded Marvell Sheeva CPU core running at 1.2Ghz — 88F6281, ARM9E ARMv5TE; "E" processors include DSP instructions; Sometimes referenced as ARMv5TEL; lspcu says "armv5tel, Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l), CPU min/max 400/1200MHz, BogoMIPS 1185.79".
As of September 2009, the SheevaPlug that ships with the SDK
has 512MB RAM and 512M flash memory, an Ethernet connector, a mini-USB 2.0 plug
and an SD slot so you can have more storage space.
As of 2010, the SheevaPlug part of the Development Kit ships with Ubuntu 9.04 pre-installed ("Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is not going to work on the sheevaplug because as of Karmic, Ubuntu builds with ARMv6+VFP instructions (and as of 10.04 with ARMv7 instructions), which the ARMv5TE processor on the sheevaplug can't do." source) You should upgrade to Debian, or Android for the more adventurous.
The PogoPlug is the first commercial version of the SheevaPlug. It only has 256M RAM, doesn't have the USB and SD ports, and its software is proprietary (OpenPogo is an open-source alternative.)
Note to European users: Instead of ordering it in the US through Globalscale Technologies, the Sheevaplug can be bought directly in Europe through New IT, its exclusive distributor (as of June 2010.)
Ionics also makes plug computers (Nimbus, Stratus/PlugComputer; Make sure to get the development kit version).
Important: If the blue LED on top, next to the green LED, doesn't light up, the OS isn't running; It could just require a reboot, but could also have a faulty power supply, and you won't be able to connect to it. If you know enough about electronics, you can replace the faulty capacitors yourself, and if not, order a new PSU from either GlobalScale (USA) or NewIT (UK). More information here and here, and in "How to replace AD-DC power suply module for SheevaPlug" (with hands-on infos). Even easier, since the SheevaPlug runs on 5V: Strip a USB cable to power the unit with a simple, 2 amps USB charger ("USB powered Sheevaplug", "How to Fix Sheevaplug Powersupply"); Instead of soldering them, it's more convenient to connect the wires with a couple of butt connectors.
Connect the USB key to Windows, and let P'nP do its thing. If you need drivers, here they are (alternative here and here) and more information. Also, here's a howto on connecting to the SheevaPlug from Windows. Yet another tutorial.
Note: Editing the two INF files in the "CDM-v2.12.36.4-WHQL-Certified" zip files didn't help to install the driver in Windows10 (idVendor 0x9E88, idProduct 0x9E8F works in Linux, though)
You should be able to log on as root / nosoup4u
Unplug, replug the SheevaPlug, and watch it launch the UBoot boot-loader
A warm reboot of the SP while in Uboot can be done through "reset"; A warm reboot while in Linux requires "reboot". If you need to perform a cold reboot by unplugging and replugging the SP, on the workstation, you'll have to run chown + cu again
Once Ubuntu is up and running, you can connect to its SSHd server instead of working through the USB connection, using the same login/password as when connecting through the USB connection.
FYI, the device takes about 2mn to boot the whole Ubuntu until you can connect through SSH.
"Notice that on my Ubuntu machine, the device is writable by anyone in the dialout group. So I added myself to that group -- I had to log out and back in for the change to take effect. Of course you can run sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0 as a temporary fix." (source)
Next, follow those tips to fix issues in Ubuntu as shipped with the SheevaPlug.
netstat -tunlp
/etc/init.d/exim4 stop
apt-get --purge remove exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light
apt-get --purge remove openbsd-inetd
apt-get --purge remove nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap
apt-get --purge remove rpcbind
apt-get autoremove
apt-get install unzip
apt-get install mc
What's the difference between ntp and nptdate?
First, upgrade to Vim, and see if it solves the problem.
apt-get install vim
which vi
vi --version
echo $TERM
vim 8.0.707 still prints letters when using the keypad!
vi /etc/profile
alias ll="ls -alF --color"
For some reason, this doesn't work when logging on through SSH: You need to add aliases in ~/.bashrc as well. Alternatively, log on and "source /etc/profile".
Through the SD card
Note that chmod only works with Linux filesystems, and won't work with vfat/NTFS by default.
This command will run tar every day at 10PM to back up some files onto the SD card:
root@sheevaplug:~# rm /mnt/sdcard/backup.tar.gz
rm: cannot remove '/mnt/sdcard/backup.tar.gz': Read-only file system
umount /mnt/sdcard/
apt-get install dosfstools
mkfs.vfat -c /dev/mmcblk0p1
Note: No feedback while running
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sdcard/
Turn off USB
If you are using the Marvell version of Uboot, you need to upgrade it before upgrading to Debian. Based on Martin Michlmayr's Upgrading SheevaPlug's U-Boot:
Before install, check the following:
Here's the procedure as explained in Matthias Blaicher's Installing Debian on a Sheevaplug into Flash (Dead link as of 15 June 2020):
Two ways to upgrade to a newer Debian:
Add SD card to fstab
apt-get install net-tools
Install OpenSSH, configure, import public key
apt-get install openssh-server
AllowUsers you@
PermitRootLogin no
Port 1234
Install Nginx, configure, import data
To watch access:
tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log
tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
Install Samba, configure, import data.
apt-get install samba
As Windows 10 disabled SMB1, host discovery requires WS-Discovery eg. Netgear's wsdd2. For password-protected shares, create users with smbpasswd, and "map to guest", "guest ok" and "guest only" for anonymous guest access; Manage share permissions with UNIX + ACLs. wsdd2 seems available for Debian 11 ARMel
If can't access Samba share, check logs: smbd --debuglevel=4 --foreground --debug-stdout
What happens when user starts Windows without logging on? Non-admin user with empty password? What happens when trying to access Samba share? When connecting from any host between Windows 7 and Windows 10 ? With wsdd2 running, and no host older than Windows7… is nmbd still needed?
On Debian 9, install wsdd2 ("Web Service Discovery"; Windows services: Function Discovery Provider Host" and "Function Discovery Resource Publication"), and check if Windows10 host can see and connect to Samba 4 share with no Samba user database. As of June 2022, wsdd2 isn't available in Debian armel.
With SMB1 kept disabled in Windows10 (so SMB1 isn't used to view and connect to the shares of a known computer?)
~# dpkg -l | grep wsdd2
~# dpkg -l | grep -i wsdd2
~# apt-cache search wsdd2
Why is wsd still not part of Samba?
Why are files created as root.root instead of www-data?
By default, "Bad User" is nobody:nogroup (can be changed with the "guest account" option), while Nginx uses www-data:www-data to fork processes. Make sure the files in /usr/share/nginx/ are owned by the right user.
Important: As Samba runs as root, it's not a good idea to use it to let Windows users edit files if the server also runs Nginx and it's accessible from the Net. In that case, remove Samba and consider ssh/sftp instead.
To allow write access from Windows, check those smb.conf examples.
It's safer to simply install the latest Debian on a new keydrive, and migrate the data from the current keydrive. In case something goes wrong, you can simply resume with the old drive until the new one is fixed.
Here's how to make an image of the USB keydrive you just built, and install it onto a brand new keydrive when (not "if") the original goes south one day. Note that the target drive must be at least as big as the source:
Note: Considering Debian 11 is the current release, it might be faster and safer to burn a new USB keydrive with Debian 11 and simply migrate the applications.
Since Debian 7 only offers Samba 3 which is nearing its EOL and Debian 7 is getting old… I figured I should upgrade to the latest and greatest. It is recommended to proceed by steps, ie. upgrading to Debian 8, and then from 8 to 9.
To upgrade the kernel, simply run "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", connect to the Sheevaplug through the mini-USB port and a serial terminal emulator, and type "reboot". You should then be running the latest and greatest.
You can also connect through SSH, hit "reboot", wait for the new kernel to start, and reconnect: If you can't connect, connect in Serial mode, and investigate.
Run "uname -a" to check that you are indeed running the latest release.
Note: It's not a good idea to run Linux off the SD card instead of a USB thumb drive: "[The SD Card slot is] located near the ARM CPU that runs really hot and doesn’t have any cooler or heatsink… I had to replace some SD cards because they just stopped working after a few hours. The device is not properly cooled too and the CPU runs really hot without any proper heatsink." (Source)
Here's how to install a fresh SD card, install Debian into the 512MB NAND flash memory, install user writable files in the SD card, and configure Linux to put temporary files in RAM to reduce wear on the NAND and SD card:
How to partition MTD to hold Uboot, and Debian?
How to partition SD card?
How to configure Debian so that files in NAND are read-only (except
during upgrades), temporary files lives in RAM or SD card, and user
files are located on SD card?
How to check health of NAND and SD card?
Debian installer does not support installation to MTD. You must first install Debian on a USB stick or an SD card before copying the contents of the USB stick/SD card into the NAND memory.
First, install Debian onto a USB keydrive as explained above. Next, copy the system onto the NAND flash memory:
You should know be a happy Debian 6.0 user.
On the Sheevaplug, install a tested and reliable SD card in the slot
On an external host, install a TFTP server and the two following files
Connect the external host to the Sheevaplug through the mini-USB port, and connect to it with a terminal emulator (eg. for Windows: Putty)
Use a pin to restart the Sheevaplug (The reset hole is on the right of the SD slot), and, before Uboot starts the current OS, hit any key when you see the Uboot prompt
Type the following commands to tell Uboot to download the two files from the external host:
Launch the Debian installer:
Once Debian is installed on the SD, type "reboot" and hit any key when you see the Uboot prompt
Run the following command to save the boot code to ????
BAD ! STOCK Busybox contains no fsck, and found no way to download additional software without partitioning disk
"There's a menu item to "install more installer components" or something like that.
Use that to install e2fsprogs-udeb
"Go back"
NO Download installer components
NO Configure the package manager
NO Select and install software
To reduce the number of writes to the NAND memory
www.plugcomputer.org/plugwiki/index.php/Reduce_Flash_Writes"By default, the SheevaPlug has 512MB of NAND flash memory for storage, and 512MB or RAM. When you boot your plug from NAND it copies the necessary files to a RAM disk (a virtual disk on RAM which disappears when the plug is powered off). If I understand correctly, this will in effect reduce the available RAM since some of it is used by the file system."
http://theblawblog.wordpress.com/2009/04/18/turning-my-sheevaplug-into-a-web-server/Important: Ubuntu 9.04 is the last version that will run on the SP because later editions of ARM Ubuntu are compiled in such a way as to be incompatible with the SP ("Ubuntu no longer supports the ARMv5 line of processors"), so upgrading to a more recent Linux release requires moving to a different distro. Debian seems to be the favorite distro to move from Ubuntu, although other distros can run (Gentoo, Fedora, etc.).
The alternative Debian install method: "The script is a method of building your own SheevaInstaller or EISA root filesystem image based on the latest files from the Debian repository. To deploy it, you need to use sheeva installer or EISA "
I didn't actually go further since the procedure above worked.
Sheevaplug installer - version 1.0
Sheevaplug installer 1.0 (last updated 2009)
Lots of people have problems running either runme.php (Linux) or runme.exe (Windows). Didn't try the SP Installer.
New QT based installer: Easy Plug Computer Installer (ESIA)
Easy Plug Computer Installer (ESIA). Discontinued. QT-based, Windows appplication.
Didn't try but could be useful:
Test the configuration with "nginx -t"
http {
#OK to hide version #
#NOK: Still says "nginx"
? Remove * in include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; ?
?Edit all server blocks in sites-available/default to handle infos returned by 4x and 5x errors
error_page 401 403 404 /404.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
? Edit the server section in nginx.conf: add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
I don't have a server section in nginx.conf: OK to add this to http section?
? Edit conf to add add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
! Added this to "http" block in nginx.conf:
### Directive describes the zone, in which the session states are stored i.e. store in slimits. ###
### 1m can handle 32000 sessions with 32 bytes/session, set to 5m x 32000 session ###
limit_zone slimits $binary_remote_addr 5m;
### Control maximum number of simultaneous connections for one session i.e. ###
### restricts the amount of connections from a single ip address ###
limit_conn slimits 5;
=> Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with
error code.
See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl
-xe" for details.
Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error
See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl
-xe" for details.
Harden the server with eg. SELinux
For a read-only web site, disable HTTP methods other than GET and HEAD; POST is probably not needed either.
Use SSL if users need to send sensitive data
Restrict access through IP to access eg. WordPress
Instead of using a packaged release, compile your very own Nginx witht the mininum features required (eg. remove PHP if you don't need it)
Hide the 401/403 error messages
Protect the server through eg. Naxsi and Fail2Ban
Run a security audit using eg. Wapiti
Monitor the server with eg. Monit
Per nginx.conf file, www-data should own the data files in /usr/share/nginx. Make sure the directories are 766 so Nginx can cd into them.
Since Samba uses nobody:nogroup by default for the Bad User account, either application must be reconfigured to use a common user:group.
location /mydir/ {
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
Nginx is actively supported for ARM processors and is available directly from the Nginx site: Just update /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and install.
Note: "nginx -V" might not include "http_uwsgi_module" but still have been compiled with support for uWSGI.
Nginx keeps its docroot in /usr/share/nginx/html/.
I failed cross-compiling Nginx, but compiling directly on the SheevaPlug did work. But then, since the ARM port of Nginx is actively maintained, there's no need for compiling your own unless the official port is missing some bits.
uWSGI includes an HTTP which could be good enough for moderate use, but Nginx, Apache, or Lighttpd could be set up as front-end for more heavy-duty use.
The project got its name because Python was the first supported plug-in, but uWSGI handles more languages such as Lua or PHP.
Also, there's a confusion between the application (uWSGI) and one of the protocols it supports to talk to the web server (uwsgi, in addition to HTTP, FastCGI, and SCGI). Note that uWSGI can run as an HTTP server, or sit behind an HTTP server. As of April 2013, Nginx and Cherokee speak uwsgi natively.
Note: Compiling uWSGI directly on the SheevaPlug only takes a few minutes.
Here's how to write a WSGI script to call through uWSGI:
To make sure the syntax in the Python script is OK: "python -m py_compile foobar.py". When copy/pasting from a web page, an easy way to get rid of wrong invisible characters (tabs, carriage-returns) is to paste into eg. Windows Notepad before pasting it into vi on the SheevaPlug. Also check PyLint, PyFlakes, and PEP8.
If you get "Fatal Python error: exceptions bootstrapping error" when running uWSGI: Apparently, it's an old issue that pops up when starting uWSGI with a Python script and that's never been fixed. The work-around is to provide support for Python as a plugin instead of compiling it directly in the uWSGI binary:
Here's some info about recompiling Python, which seems to solve this issue.
What is a uWSGI process? Python interpreter + opcode version of Python script?
How does uWSGI work, stand-alone or with Nginx?
FastCGI + Flup
Gunicorn, uWSGI: Better option that FastCGI
We'll use FastCGI instead of CGI, as CGI is too slow on an appliance like the SheevaPlug.
fastcgi.server = (
".php" => ((
"bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php5-cgi",
"socket" => "/tmp/php.socket"
"django.fcgi" => (
"main" => (
"host" => "",
"port" => 9090, #set the port numbers to what-eva you want
"admin.fcgi" => (
"admin" => (
"host" => "",
"port" => 9091,
"PlugPBX was started to provide the world with an easy way of getting FreePBX and Asterisk working on the SheevaPlug."
Cross-compiling from PC-based Ubuntu to SheevaPlug Ubuntu (SD Card)
apt-get install git-core build-essential autoconf automake libtool libncurses5 libncurses5-dev gawk libjpeg-dev libz-dev pkg-config
Compiling Linux Kernel for the Plug Computer
Marvell provides a binary toolchain for Linux ("Host SW Support Package For Linux").
Note that release 1.1 from 26 March 2010 contains two files, but the second file (Linux Host Filesystem - rootfs.tar.bz2), besides having spaces in its filename, isn't actually a BZ2 file but a regular tar.gz: Rename the file to eg. rootfs.tar.gz and decompress it with the usual "tar xzvf".
Once decompressed with "unzip", it creates two directories in LinuxHost/:
Download either "Host SWSupport" or the rootfs tar. Inside one there will be a shadow usr/include and usr/lib directory. You must point the host tools to these directories when compiling so they don't pick-up your development host versions. You need the headers and static/shared libraries as deployed to the SheevaPlug.
When using the toolchain, there's apparently no need to tell the compiler where to find the includes and libraries, as it is compiled with those paths included:
./arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-search-dirs
The compiler was compiled against Linux 2.6.14 ("file myfile").
Start by cross-compiling the "Hello, world!" sample using LinuxHost/gcc/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc as the compiler.
Some applications will cross-compile by just setting the CC environment variable:
Others might require editing the PATH variable to include the full-path to the gcc/bin/ directory:
To save space, embedded Linux usually uses uClibc instead of glibc, and busybox to pack a bunch of user-space binaries into a single binary.
Some useful articles in the Howtos section of Marvell's PlugComputer site.
How to check if an application really works as well as on x86, with no memory leaks, etc.?
Other solutions to compile your own toolchain:
toolchain for armel instead of armhf ("Debian officially provides
two ARM architectures, armel and armhf. armel is for lower end hardware, supports
the ARMv4 instruction set and hardware floating-point though a compatibility
mode which slows performance but allows compatiblity with code written for processors
without floating point units. armhf is for higher end hardware and supports
ARMv7 and faster, direct hardware floating point support without backwards compatibility.
These are roughly analogous to the i386 and i686 architectures.
that in Ubuntu, both armel and armhf are compiled for ARMv7 and above, so neither
will work on the Raspberry Pi.")
Cross-compiling from PC-based Ubuntu to SheevaPlug Ubuntu (SD Card)
For inspiration, here's the script to build the cross toolchain for the Xilka systems:
Here's an example:
Cross-compiling can be difficult or even impossible with some applications. If all else fails, try compiling the application directly on the SheevaPlug: If you're concerned about wearing out the NAND flash memory, use an SD card, a USB stick or an external hard drive instead.
If you get this kind of error…
…, edit /etc/fstab to add either "nofail" or "x-systemd.device-timeout" to tell Debian to ignore this error and keep loading:
To find the SD card's UUID, run "blkid".
More infos about booting can be found with "journalctl -xb".
And try another SD card to see if it's the card or the drive that's causing the timeout.
If the display doesn't work well when connecting through COM/SSH, type "echo $TERM" and check that it matches what is set in the terminal emulator you are using, eg. "vt220" instead of "xterm".
Note: Run "blkid" to find a device's UUID, and edit /etc/fstab accordingly.
Edit /etc/privoxy/config, where is the IP address of the host running Privoxy:
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to comment out the single line and change it to this:
If using cu (Taylor UUCP) 1.07, log on to the embedded Linux, and type "~.<ENTER>"
To avoid running chown uucp /dev/ttyUSB0 after every reboot
root@debian:~# exit
Ubuntu 9.04 debian ttyS0
debian login: ~é[Unrecognized. Use ~~ to send ~]
Ubuntu 9.04 debian ttyS0
debian login: ~
Ubuntu 9.04 debian ttyS0
debian login:
The original PSU is known to fry easily. Order a new PSU from GlobalScale/NewIT or change the electronics yourself.
Check "dmesg" for NAND-related infos
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00100000 00020000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00400000 00020000 "uImage"
mtd2: 1fb00000 00020000 "root"
If you get the following type of message when running either "fdisk -l" or "blkid", it's just that the kernel isn't configured to handle the NAND:
If you need to use the NAND, either learn how to configure the current kernel to install the mtdblock module, or try Bodhi's kernel.
find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name '*.ko*'
Consider getting an SSD and a SATA-to-USB adapter
- still prints letters when using the keypad!
Also through SSH, or just through COM?
- keeps text selected even when moving mouse