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Last modified: 16-06-2020 |
SimpleCustomer is a nice and light application to handle contacts and notes, ie. poor man's CRM. If you don't need a real CRM with all the bells and whistles, it does the job well.
Here's how to set up SC in its default configuration:
Here's what I did to turn SC from a US-centric application to a locale-independent application:
Turn "echo $row_*" into "echo stripslashes($row_*)" so that PHP removes escaped apostrophes.
Moved all displayed strings into includes/strings.php:
$pagetitle = Contact;
$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO contacts (contact_first, contact_last, contact_title, contact_image, contact_profile, contact_company, contact_street, contact_city, contact_state, contact_zip, contact_phone,
set_msg('Contact Updated');
<title><?php if ($update==0) { echo "Add Contact"; } ?><?php echo $row_contact['contact_first']; ?> <?php echo
<h2><?php if ($update==1) { echo Update; } else { echo Add; } ?> Contact </h2>
<td width="28%">First Name<br />
<td width="72%">Last Name<br />
<td>Title<br />
<td>Company<br />
<td colspan="2">Email <br />
false;">+Add more contact information </a></p><?php } ?>
<td>Street<br />
<td width="39%">City<br />
<td width="27%" valign="top">State<br />
<select name="contact_state" id="contact_state">
<option value="">Select a state...</option>
<option value="AL" <?php if (!(strcmp("AL", $row_contact['contact_state']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Alabama</option>
<td width="34%">Zip<br />
<td width="39%">Phone<br />
<td width="61%">Cell<br />
<td>Image<br />
<td>Website<br />
<td>Background/Profile<br />
<input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="<?php if ($update==1) { echo Update; } else { echo Add; } ?>
$pagetitle = ContactDetails;
set_msg('Note Added');
set_msg('Note Updated');
<?php if ($update==0) { echo "Add a new note <br>"; } ?>
<input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="<?php if ($update==1) { echo Update; } else { echo Add; } ?>
$row_note['note_contact']; ?>" onclick="javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the
$row_notes['note_id']; ?>"><?php echo date('F d, Y', $row_notes['note_date']); ?></a></span><br />
$pagetitle = Contact;
<th style="padding-left:5px"><a href="?<?php echo $name; ?>">Name</a></th>
onclick="javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the contact <?php echo
set_msg('Contact Deleted');
set_msg('Note Deleted');
$pagetitle = Dashboard;
Search results for <em><?php echo $_GET['s']; ?></em>.<br />
<h2>Recent Contacts</h2>
<h2>Recent Notes </h2>
?>¬e=<?php echo $row_notes['note_id']; ?>"><?php echo date('F d, Y', $row_notes['note_date']);
<h1>Simple Customer </h1>
</span></span>Email Address <br />
Password<br />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login" />
set_msg('Your password has been sent.');
$subject = "Your Password";
$message = "Your password is $password.";
set_msg('That email address was not found in the database.');
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">Enter your email address below and your password will be
<input name="email" class="required validate-email" type="text" size="35" title="You must enter your email
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send Password" />
$pagetitle = Profile;
Password (leave blank to keep current password) <br />
<p>Home Page<br />
<input name="Submit2" type="submit" id="Submit2" value="Update" />
this.error = error || 'Validation failed.';
['required', 'This is a required field.', function(v) {
['validate-number', 'Please enter a valid number in this field.', function(v) {
['validate-digits', 'Please use numbers only in this field. please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots
<a href="index.php" class="menubuttons <?php if ($pagetitle==Dashboard) { echo menubuttonsactive; }
<div class="historycontainer">Recent:
Search<br />
<input type="submit" name="Submitf" value="Go" />
<p><a class="addcontact" href="contact.php">+ Add Contact</a></p>
<p><strong>Contact Information</strong><br />
?><p><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=<?php echo $row_contact['contact_street']; ?>,+<?php
$row_contact['contact_zip']; ?>>" target="_blank">+ View Map </a></p>
<p> <?php if ($row_contact['contact_phone']) { ?>Phone: <?php echo $row_contact['contact_phone']; ?><br
<strong>Background</strong><br />