Groupware with XenIntranet
A bit of a pain to install...
- Download and run Ampoliros_3000-3.4.exe
- Install in the default directory, eg. "c:\Program Files\Ampoliros\"
- At the end of the install procedure, Ampoliros will run the "Ampoliros
Configuration" application to set the directories. Change "Public
directory" to a sub-directory in your web server's docs/ directory,
eg. "c:\Program Files\sambar\docs\ampoliros". Leave the other
settings as they are.
- Rename public/cgi/ to eg. "ampoliros", and move this sub-directory
your web server's cgi-gin directory, eg. "c:\Program Files\sambar\cgi-bin\ampoliros\"
- Edit your web server's configuration to create an alias between /ampcgi/
and "c:\Program Files\sambar\cgi-bin\ampoliros\"
- Rename public/ to eg. "ampoliros", and move this sub-directory
into your web server's docs directory, eg. "c:\Program Files\sambar\docs\ampoliros\"
- Edit PHP.INI so that the include_path line contains c:\programs\ampoliros\etc
- Restart your web server to activate those changes
- Aim your browser to http://locahost/ampoliros/index.php
- In the "Ampoliros name and domain", leave fields empty. Those
are used if you wish to install more than one site on a single host
- Set the password to the root account "amp" to eg. "test"
- Go to,
and download the required packages
- Launch Ampoliros' admin screen :
What is "c:\Program Files\sambar\docs\ampoliros\root\" for?
What is "c:\Program Files\Ampoliros\tmp\" for?
After completing the installation of Ampoliros, empty admin screen